Hey I just wanted to vent somewhere about how disgusted I am with how much the refs influenced the whole Vikings n Lions game today. If you watch how the refs would come up with ways to stop the game or whistle a play dead to stop the momentum the Vikings would get cause everyone know that you need to keep the momentum going so you don’t lose it and everytimr the Viks got something going the refs would stop the play and review it or when they said jj stepped out of bounce but clearly didn’t they were clearly having a influence on this game and it makes me sick. I don’t know if it’s a Vegas gambling or cause they just don’t like a certain team but I think they need to get fined just like the players do for the bullshit they do. NFL needs to find some way to make it so they call fair games cause they look pathetic on the way they control a game by using the rules of the game in the wrong ways that way they have the power without consequences. Thanks for listening and I don’t know if this makes sense but I just wanted to say how oviasly the momentum stopping drive by the refs is pathetic and I eish I could tell them myself cause I feel what they do should be a crime and they go to jail, maybe they learn then.
Ryan Blank – ryanhurdle@yahoo.com
The refs against the vikings in the Buffalo game, please explain. It’s so one sided with no calls and phantom calls, it’s bullshit.
Kyle Konradi – kkonradi1987@gmail.com
You guys are absolutely trash. Fucking learn how to do your job. 3 games for the vikings you blew fucking calls. Pull your head out of your ass.
Connie Anderson – pumana2@aol.com
I think refs need to blow whistle when play is stopped,, like MN vike Cook!! 20 guys jump on him, the ref should of stopped the play.. now he’s hurt????
Typical play calling against vikes!!!!!!!!