I noticed that #120 McGrath HL for Tony Correntes crew was hurt right before the half.
I hope he is OK — Noticed that BJ Scott Helverson was filling in for him after halftime.
Anyone know where Scott “Vegas” Green is officiating this week? Anyone know who Scott is picking to win the DAL-PIT game and if he has money on the game again this time?
Al RIveron will officate the Dallas/Pittsburgh game
Officials blow what could be a major game changer in the FL – AL game. Intentional gounding should have been called against FL, but was not. Even the announcers said it was a call that should have been made. No excuse for missing this one, the officials were looking right at it and plain and simple did not make the call.
David Coleman was the replay official in theSD OAK game. I believe he is rleated to Walt Coleman
Is David Coleman related to Walt Coleman?
do referees mark the ball with there individual symcbols?
I don’t know, Donnie. That is a good question though
Lions fullback Moran Norris was disqualified by Jerome Boger for throwing a punch at Minnesota’s Napolean Harris. Great Job by Boger for tossing that guy.
More inefficient officiating:
Tampa Bay – Carolina
TB should have had the ball on the one foot line.
In first half alone:
22 Missed Holding Calls (yes, they did influence the play)
4 Illegal Block in the Back Calls.
These were the easy ones to call, not even counting the calls missed that you would have to know the rule book to call.
Last week, I heard an interview between Mike Francesa(formerly aprat of Mike and the Maddog) and Roger Goodell on WFAN NY. Goodell said that he thought the officials were the best that he has seen in years. I don’t think so. Now, I know that he is not going to publically criticize the officials, but the best ever? Doubt it. Al Riveron and his crew are the worst in football. Last night in Pitt. they missed quite a few calls. The Romo “fumble” was a horrible call, and review. They would also never make a call themselves. They were constantly looking and waiting for the other refs to make a call. Sad excuse for referees and I am embarrassed to be an official now.
I asked Walt your question regarding David Coleman today. They are not related.
THank you Tex.
Tex, I have been interested in the Refereess in one way shap or form since 1978 or 1979. I used to make a list of the games who officated them, and tried to figure out which referee would be at what game. This was in the early 90s or sometime in the 80s. I knew that if Red Cashion offiated t lets say
Dallas/ Minnesaota one week
Green Bay Chicago the next
Seattle Ny Giants then he was unable to to offiate at games the following teams played after that. I Learned at alter date that Referees had to wait for aix weeks before officating the same teams again. Post season gamese not effected.
Residents of dexter missouri houses for sale, Texas and 10 or so miles from Dublin, Texas in December 2007.
They end with a few more days to get them so make sure you don’t wait until it’s
too late to make the deal.
Thursday Night Football(Raiders VS Chargers)
I noticed that #120 McGrath HL for Tony Correntes crew was hurt right before the half.
I hope he is OK — Noticed that BJ Scott Helverson was filling in for him after halftime.
Anyone know where Scott “Vegas” Green is officiating this week? Anyone know who Scott is picking to win the DAL-PIT game and if he has money on the game again this time?
Al RIveron will officate the Dallas/Pittsburgh game
Yep, he’s already on the list for this week.
Officials blow what could be a major game changer in the FL – AL game. Intentional gounding should have been called against FL, but was not. Even the announcers said it was a call that should have been made. No excuse for missing this one, the officials were looking right at it and plain and simple did not make the call.
David Coleman was the replay official in theSD OAK game. I believe he is rleated to Walt Coleman
Is David Coleman related to Walt Coleman?
do referees mark the ball with there individual symcbols?
I don’t know, Donnie. That is a good question though
Lions fullback Moran Norris was disqualified by Jerome Boger for throwing a punch at Minnesota’s Napolean Harris. Great Job by Boger for tossing that guy.
More inefficient officiating:
Tampa Bay – Carolina
TB should have had the ball on the one foot line.
In first half alone:
22 Missed Holding Calls (yes, they did influence the play)
4 Illegal Block in the Back Calls.
These were the easy ones to call, not even counting the calls missed that you would have to know the rule book to call.
Last week, I heard an interview between Mike Francesa(formerly aprat of Mike and the Maddog) and Roger Goodell on WFAN NY. Goodell said that he thought the officials were the best that he has seen in years. I don’t think so. Now, I know that he is not going to publically criticize the officials, but the best ever? Doubt it. Al Riveron and his crew are the worst in football. Last night in Pitt. they missed quite a few calls. The Romo “fumble” was a horrible call, and review. They would also never make a call themselves. They were constantly looking and waiting for the other refs to make a call. Sad excuse for referees and I am embarrassed to be an official now.
I asked Walt your question regarding David Coleman today. They are not related.
THank you Tex.
Tex, I have been interested in the Refereess in one way shap or form since 1978 or 1979. I used to make a list of the games who officated them, and tried to figure out which referee would be at what game. This was in the early 90s or sometime in the 80s. I knew that if Red Cashion offiated t lets say
Dallas/ Minnesaota one week
Green Bay Chicago the next
Seattle Ny Giants then he was unable to to offiate at games the following teams played after that. I Learned at alter date that Referees had to wait for aix weeks before officating the same teams again. Post season gamese not effected.
Residents of dexter missouri houses for sale, Texas and 10 or so miles from Dublin, Texas in December 2007.
They end with a few more days to get them so make sure you don’t wait until it’s
too late to make the deal.