The week 7 assignment sheet is all filled out, and games are underway.
See any controversial calls yet? I’m guessing we’ll hear more about the Pittsburgh-Miami play, where they officials “couldn’t determine” who recovered the fumble in the endzone.
Any others?
The refs did not want to determine the game so they made a call that would supposedly get them off the hook. Are you kidding me????
Why does everybody have this “the world is out to get the (insert your favorite team here)” attitude? Blaming officials is taking the easy way out. They are not perfect but they are not blatantly orchestrating the outcome of the game. I’m a Charger fan and I was over the Hochuli thing no more than 30 seconds after the game. It was a mistake but the Chargers still had the opportunity to stop them. I hold my own team accountable.
In the Pittsburgh-Miami, no matter what the outcome of that play was, Miami HAD A CHANCE TO WIN THE GAME. Miami blew it by themselves.
What tells me is that when R. Lee Emery and that patient in the GEICO commercial chug on over to mamby-pamby land, some of you ought to go with.
R. Lee Ermy
Bills game had the worst officiating i have seen in my life. Especially in overtime. I have no faith in NFL referee’s and do not care to watch any more NFL.
Definitely missed a couple calls. They got the Corner INT right on the rplay. He wasn’t in bounds by rule, but there was definitely OFF PI on the play by Bolden. And yes I know you cant review PI. It should have been flagged during the play however.
The other bad call was at the end of the game in OT. Forwartd progress was stopped there on Shawn Nelson. Too bad it completely changed the game.
The flag on Hangartner for taking his helmet off at the end was warranted, because he slammed to to the ground with both hands while still in the middle of the field. Most likely he doens’t get flagged for removely of his helmet if he just starts walking to the Bills sideline.
Definite PI on Boldin, but it could have been called on Corner as well (what a great name for a DB!). Still not sure about the landing-on-top-of-the-defender ruling.
With the Ray Lewis fumble recovery, my take was that the Bill linemen will still pushing the pile forward, so they hadn’t whistled it yet. Damn close, however.
Do what I did a few years ago. Go to and send them an email telling them of your concerns.
I told them that I thought the ALL the officials were so incompetent and the rules so ambiguous that the NFL was giving the appearance of EVERY game being fixed. I also told them that I would no longer be attending their games in person or buying their merchandise (And I HAVEN’T). I also told them that while I would still watch my favorite team on TV, I would boycott their sponsors (And I DO)…Tell your friends that have the same opinion of the NFL to do what you’re doing. Email your friends. If we all got a few people we know to do the same thing, the financial impact would hit the NFL in a very short time.
I have done that already. We just have to get more Fans to do it to save the Game. I get so upset with the Officiating that I end up turning the Channel.
This is where you have to take the time and learn the rules and understand where they are coming from instead of sounding like a housewife with menopause.
I understand the rules perfectly. The “Officials” are too inconsistent in their calls. The NFL gives lip service to their “commitment” to eliminating head shots on QBs and yet almost every game you see it happen with no personal foul called. They frequently only and repeatedly call offensive holding, PI, illegal blocks and illegal contact against one team and wind up with Team A having 14 penalties and Team B 3….these infractions happen on every play by both teams…They can’t spot the ball correctly. They blow plays dead while the ballcarrier is still going. They rule that plays are TD’s when the receiver is clearly OB or had dropped the ball. Pass rushers execute a perfect strip sack only to have the zeeb rule the QB’s arm was moving forward, etc when no such thing happened. They get calls wrong even AFTER reviewing the play…Green, Carey, Anderson, Steratore and several others and their crews are incompetent and should be replaced…
If Team A had 14 penalties and Team B had 3 penalties, then that’s a Team A problem.
They do make mistakes, I never said they were perfect. And, I would be all for the NFL going to the replay system college football uses. That said, the job of the team is to take the outcome out of the hands of the officials.
miami fan thanks for giving the game to pittsburg .clearly the fins recovered the fumble in the endzone.this could cost us a playoff spot lets hope not or it will be all on your shoulders.
I wondered during the time out and review just what the ruling would be for the final outcome. Ben definitely fumbled but who captured the ball was not 100% clear.I think Gene’s call fit the situation as shown on cameras.
Walt Anderson’s crew in the Bears/Redskins game = WORST. OFFICIATING. EVER.
Bears had a long pass that was a TD but they called him down at the 1 for some reason. On the next play, Jay Cutler ran it up the middle and he fumbled it. But the ball crossed the plane before the fumble, so it should have been a clear TD. Then later in the game McNabb threw a pass that was an INT and the Bears ran it back for a TD. But they called a delay of game penalty on the Redskins. The Bears should have had a TD on at least one of those three plays, but didn’t because of Walt Anderson’s crew. HORRIBLE.
Delay of games and false starts kill the play. So anything that happens is wiped off the board.
Do the officials get held to the responsibility when they completely BLOW a call? The touchdown from Favre to Shiancoe was a completed pass & they call it as not??? There was no bobbling of the ball. It really makes one wonder what game the refs are watching. I think the refs should be fines if they make a bad call that results in a loss to the team.
That definitely looked like a controlled catch by Shiancoe to me. The ball never moved. I’ve shaken hands with the guy — they’re like vice-grips. Bad call.
I don’t see how the ball moving a fraction of an inch on super slow-mo replay can negate a catch…and I’m a Packer fan.
NFL officials AND players have been fixing games for a long time. They were investigated in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s…Former NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle claimed that NO GAME was ever fixed but, acknowledged two unsuccessful attempts to fix NFL games: the 1946 NFL Championship Game between the New York Giants and the Chicago Bears and a 1971 NFL game between the Houston Oilers and the Pittsburgh Steelers…Hmmm.
Read up on Donald Dawson, a bookmaker from Detroit. The IRS investigated Dawson from 1969-1970. The IRS probe revealed that several NFL players had been in regular contact with and provided inside information to Dawson, who was later convicted and sentenced to prison for his bookmaking activities.
The FBI investigated the Mafia being involved in fixing NFL games and had an informant who had given the outcomes of the eight fixed games, along with the names of two referees, in advance of the games being played!!!
The FBI eventually dropped its probe, because the evidence of game-fixing was, supposedly, inconclusive. In addition, the bureau’s principal informant was caught trying to sell the same information to the IRS.
I think this led to Project Layoff, an IRS gambling investigation in Nevada…this IRS probe collapsed when agency chiefs–despite the reliability of the informant’s information–refused to authorize a full-scale federal investigation, even though the IRS had concluded that the games had, indeed, been fixed.
Your tax dollars at work…
Vikings win taken away once again by a LAME call taking away a beautiful catch!
What the hell good is replay if they take away a perfect touchdown catch – that was clearly a homefield call – both hands under the ball no loss or juggle yet they shamelessly take away a great catch!
except for the fact that only one foot was down in bounds. Look at the replay Bill, this was obviously not a catch.
I think he’s talking about a different play. Shiancoe’s was in the middle of the end zone.
Check out the player conduct of the Packers/Vikings game tonightand the blown calls! #52, Clay Matthews, was allowed to remove his own helmet, DURING one of the last plays! Check the replays and the rulebook, there should have been a penlaty here. If a player would have been hurt, the NFL is legally responsible! You blew this call!
Its the Emmit Smith rule! Created in 1997! A player CAN NOT remove his helmet in the field of play! Thats a 15 yard penalty, thats an automatic first down that would have set us up for a TD! Can they really let Clay Mathews get away with that?! This is a mockery of NFL Officiating! I agree with Brad Childress, this was the worst officiating I have ever seen in a game. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that the refs didn’t call it for a reason. This always happens to the Vikings though, we saw the same in the NFC Championship game last year against the Saints. These refs should be fined for this
(admin edit: you’re entitled to your opinion, but watch your language, please)
Can they REALLY LET Phil Loadholt hold Clay Matthews on EVERY play and NOT call holding once…??? Not to mention the half-dozen times the “Load” just grabbed Matthews facemask at the snap and held on for dear life.
They also gave the Viking 2 TD’s that CLEARLY were not. Harvin stepped OB at the 4 and the official was right there and got it wrong-had to corrected by review. Again, at the end of the game the official is right there, looking at the receivers feet and rules a TD when Harvin clearly only had one foot in…wrong again-had to corrected by review AGAIN. Did one of the officials have Harvin in his fantasy league…?
How many times did they spot the ball wrong?? This should be something that they never get wrong but this bunch screws it up a lot.
Scott Green and his crew are freakin horrible at their jobs. They should be fired.
My point was (before I had a bout of premature senility) that Green’s officiating crew screwed both teams, several times each to the point where complaining that the officials cost the Vikings the game is silly because there were so MANY bad calls against both teams. If you unravel them all what do you have…?
If you (the Vikings fan) are going to pin the blame on someone, look no father than your coach, who should have challenged Quarless’s TD “catch”… although Scott Green may have ruled it a good catch anyways….
Steratore was the ref for the Calvin Johnson TD, the Ravens tripping call and other bad calls, and the Packers-Redskins game where he made some bad calls…Maybe him and his crew just aren’t good.
@Kem Haggard.
He removed his helmet to fix his equipment (chin strap and hair). There is no penalty for that. You’re taking the rul out of context.
Run it forward from that time, I saw that one and agree that is not illegal. The incident I am talking about was actually DURING the play. He gets past the first blocker, then past the second one, then he reaches up and knocks his own helmet off to pursue Farve.
The Vikings lost because of a bad call, the Bears lost because of a no call. 2 out of the 14 games this week that I watched; outcomes were changed by bad calls. Makes me wanna quit watching.
The Vikings lost because their coach was too stupid to challenge Quarless’s TD….you can throw everything else out the window.
So Now, when the Officials want to change the outcome of the Game by making BAD CALLS, it’s the Coaches Fault.
Is that RIGHT TOM????????
My POINT WAS that Childress SHOULD have challenged what was OBVIOUSLY NOT a legal catch and it would have been overturned. It’s his fault, he had the means to get that TD taken off the board and he was on the sidelines staring at Favre’s ass…Can’t blame the official for that one. AND, I hardly think that an official deliberately making a bad call in favor of one team is going to “fix” the outcome of an NFL game on ONE PLAY in THE 2nd QUARTER…either team could have outscored the other 28-7 the rest of the way. NOW, the official who ruled Harvins TD a legal catch at the end of the game…well, that’s a different matter. He was looking DOWN at the receivers feet and had to see that the second foot was 20 inches OB and STILL RULED it a TD. THAT idiot was trying to “fix” a football game. I know the NFL does “routine” background checks on the zeebs but, when I see some fool do something this blatant I have my doubts as to if the NFL is really serious about having honest officiating in their games. Maybe the local Sheriff needs to haul a few of these ass-clowns downtown and polygraph them after a fiasco like this.
I have to agree about Childress. It would be cool to put Frazier as Head Coach before someone else grabs him like they did with Tony Dungy. There have been so many Horrible calls this Year in all the Games not just Vikings Games, it’s not even Fun watching anymore. You get get too upset when the Ofdficiating is so Unfair. You mentioned one bad call won’t make the difference in the game, but I disagree with You on that. That ad call could take all of the excitement out of playing when agreat play is Nullified by an Official. Sure, I know that can go two ways, but remember, these are Professiopnals with Huge Ego’s.
Is it O.K. now just to call the fficails in any given Game before the Game is Played to find out what Team is going to WIN????
It’s not even worth taking the time to Watch the Games anymore. So many Games this Year have been decided by Officials that I don’t even care to Watch them.
How many people here believe the Officials are being PAID WELL to make sure who WINS????
Believe me, it will come out in the Future!!! For me, the NFL is DEAD!!!!!!
Just in last Weeks Packers -Vikings Game Officials gave Green Bay a Touchdown that was obviously not a Touchdown, and then Subsequently took a Touchdown away from the Vikings that to any Viewer was obviously a Touchdown. That Accounts for Fourteen Points. Then they have the Audacity to Fine Brad Childress for Stating the Obvious. I know that Obama doesn’t believe we should have FREE SPEECH anymore in AMERICA, but the “NFL”. A mistake is a mistake, and apparently in the “NFL” no one should point it out.
The Viking TD that was reversed SHOULD’VE BEEN REVERSED. The point of the ball hit the ground when Shiancoe went down. If you go to the ground, you have to complete the process of the catch and the ball CANNOT hit the ground. Shiancoe did not complete the process of the catch.
If it should have been rversed, as you say, how come the NFL said that it was a Touchdown, and it was a BAD CALL? Apparently you know much more than the NFL. Is that Right???
Sorry, I meant SHOULD NOT have been reversed.
And I do understand the rules of the game and not let emotion cloud my judgements.
Strike what I said earlier.
The point is t review was right. The ball made contact with the ground DURING the process of the catch. That’s incomplete.
As far as reply goes, they need to go to the college system of replays.
Do You Honestly Believe that the Officials are not PAID WELL for those Calls????
Check the Spread on Every Game that Officials decided the Winner.
I’m an NFC team’s fan, and even I can see that they made the right call on that play…
There’s no indisputable proof that the Dolphins recovered. You’re just assuming the Dolphins recovered. Officials blew the play dead when they signalled TD. They cannot use replay to make assumptions. For all we know, Pittsburgh could’ve ended up recovering it for a TD and it got taken off the board. Either way, Miami still had a chance to win the game and blew it THEMSELVES.
I Have been watching Football for some time now. I am aware that when a fumble occurs under normal conditions, the Refs wait until the pile is gone before they find out which team recovered the ball. Of course thats only not when it’s a GAME CHANGING CALL. YOU WOULDN’T GET PAID FOR THAT CALL. And no I am not a Dolphins Fan.
How many games will the Viking have to play this year with an extra six points on the scoreboard in favor of the other team?
The Saints had to drag a Viking down from behind to get a holding call, and the Saints players took plenty of advantage of the leeway they were given.
The Miami interception was questionable in my opinion, but I’ll chalk that up to bias on my part.
Green Bay… there isn’t any question the officials botched that one. Both sides of the ball that game was called poorly. In the secondary, in the backfield, at the line… ugh.
Now New England puts a game away with a touchdown that clearly never broke the plane and was down short of the goal line. On booth review with high definition and two camera angles clearly showing the blown call.
This is my team. I’ll gladly complain about the officials for them, but I’ve never felt the need to complain on a site like this before. The officiating this year is absolutely unacceptable. Worst job I have ever seen any year, and on both sides of the ball.
The Vikings have had worse seasons in my twenty-some years of watching them, but the NFL officials have not. People need to lose their jobs over this. It’s unacceptable for the National Football League to have this level of officiating.
I for one won’t keep watching football if this is how things go every year. When the officials do this poorly they ruin the game. It’s as simple as that.