Week 14 of the NFL kicks off tonight in Jacksonville with the Texans playing the Jaguars, though we don’t yet know who will be the referee for that game. For that matter, we’re still missing quite a few assignments for this week, so please head over to our week 14 page if you know of any others that we can fill in.
If you see any calls or actions that are noteworthy, use the comments on this post to discuss them.
Enjoy the games!
Tony Corrente is the referee for Houston @ Jacksonville tonight.
Clete Blakeman will be the ref of tonight’s game between Houston and Jacksonville
When will the Referee’s wrong calls be punished? I am a life long football fan and consumer of NFL products. I will not be spending any money or watching any more games. I will become the BIGGEST ANTI- FAN and publicly disrespect everything that has to do with the NFL. To think that the Referee is bigger than the rules of the greatest sport ever is bull****.
Jeff Triplette should be FIRED or SUSPENDED for the rest of the season for his call at the end of the first half of the Colts at Bengals game.
I am a nobody. I just want to see the game played fair. if a bunch of nobodies got together maybe it would change to a fair game!
Matt Tomlinson
I would like to know when they will retire Ed hochuli from the NFL , he made some of the worse calls to help the eagles win today. Players get fined for this they do on the field , now its time to Fine these refs for the bad call to help other teams keep drives alive. Ed made two calls that secured the eagles win today. Nick Fairley did not rough the passer , it was a legal hit , and Suh did not hold . you should remove yourself from this sport , you are an embarrassment to the Already bad enough refs there are. One thing I do wonder is how much you got paied off by the Eagles to help them win? You know those were Bullshit Calls, even the guys calling the game were scratching their heads.
Dyrol Prioleau, #109, Field Judge on Jerome Boger’s Crew, threw the flag to signal DPI on Cleveland because he was scared of the Patriots losing!! This is the worst officiating year EVER!!!! All those officials who have made horrible calls this season should be fired, because I do not want to see any bulls*** from these officials. The officials from the CLE @ NE game should be fired after the season. Another message: Jeff Triplette should never officiate in the NFL Anymore!! He should be replaced by either Adrian Hill (#29, LJ Parry’s Crew), or Ron Torbert (#62, SJ Corrente’s Crew).
Could not agree more. Boger and his crew should have a lot to answer for. I can understand a call that might be if’y, could go one way or the other….but I CANNOT understand calls that are so clearly wrong and one-sided giving the impression of trying to assistant the other team to a win, it’s beyond sad and sorry. But you see, they have developed a way around this by making it “judgement call” and something that cannot be challenged. If the refs during the New England vs Browns game used their judgement for these calls, then they should be fired. Especially when you have people with questionable work history like Boger to begin with. However Boger is in with the right politics of the NFL to be so clearly protected. In my job, if you make mistakes you are given the opportunity to do it right. BUT, if you continue to make these awful mistakes you eventually don’t have a job. If that isn’t how it is in the NFL, please sign me up to be a ref so I can do a crappy job and with complete protection and a paycheck. You may think, “oh well, they will forget about it over time and it will blow over.” I’m here to tell you , “no we won’t and we will be watching very closely.”
Several calls/spots in the Vikings/ravens game were so blatantly wrong it is hard to believe that they were honest mistakes. Actually, it is impossible to believe.
I watched Football all of my life and the NFL Ref’s get worse and worse each year. It is like they are making bets on one of the teams they are calling on Sunday and they make sure that team wins. It is so UNFAIR!! They need to start being fair on all of the games they are calling. The Refs that did the NYG/Redskin game need to all be demoted for the call they made in the last few minutes of the game, giving the redskins a first down and then after they played the first down they told them it was 4th down. That is UNFAIR and they should not be allowed to do it!! Quit making bets!! You are not allowed too but you do it anyway and get away with it and with the commissioner not doing anything what does that tell you???? They are friends with the NBA ref who got arrested for doing it??