Curly Klein – khrisklein@yahoo.com
I turn on the New England Patriots Buffalo Bills game and what do I see?
On fourth down the Buffalo Bills go for the first down and get it. The quarterback of the Buffalo Bills get some monsters grab on his face mask.
Of course the referees can’t call that which would’ve gave them the extra yards would’ve changed up the whole game again.
Let’s keep helping the New England Patriots because your bias in your bullshit connections.
You make lotta good calls but by God over the years all the times that you give the patriots away better fucking chance of winning by doing shit that helps them makes me pissed off.
Kelly Donnelson – bushks19@cox.net
The refs are calling to many bad calls like for example they said the Bill’s grabbed one of the Steelers face masks when they were a foot away
Matthew Moity – matthewmoity@yahoo.com
well it is another week and the Patriot’s did something dirty (helmet to helmet contact on Bills quarterback) that should have not only drawn a flag BUT should have brought automatic expulsion from the contest!! you pretend to represent players but you only come through if there is controversy surrounding the player(s). A man, a quarterback was seriously injured. i want to tell you what i take away from the New England patriots. they film practice-they get a Superbowl. they hire a murderer – they get a Superbowl. they get caught in illegal prostitution stings- they get a Superbowl. they hire a cocaine dealer on defense-they get a Superbowl. This year they hire a woman beater and/or rapist and they get to finally beat the Dolphins (second time in 7 years). it seems like they worst they are they get better and bigger rewards. The Saints do ONE bad thing AND they are punished for decades!!!!what if BRADY would have got that hit??!! LOOK just call it the NEFL the new England football league and form another league. then you could teach the other league how to play BRADY football!! the dirty, wussy, but most rewarding way to play!!! you will not do anything but just wait my friend, you see that little twinkle of light at the end of this message that is the league fading to BLACK!!!