Why is NE getting away with so many holds
Scott Merchant – merch353@comcast.net
I’m not a football fan but watched the dolphins raiders game and the referees were horrible on pass interference call on dolphins and also no call when raider receiver scored touch down when he pushed off to catch the pass and no call. You refs have sucked for years and have changed the outcome of so many game. You suck im now a former nfl fan I’m done you out to be ashamed
Gary Martin – betoes2@yahoo.com
You really screwed up that call during the miami dolphins and Cincinnati Bengals game, player number 80 of the Bengals continued to have unnecessary roughness penalties that caused the two teams fighting and you never ejected number 80 ,bad call ,come on guys really? I wish u guys would think a little more intelligently
Richard Cobb – racobb63@yahoo.com
At the end of the Miami , Denver , the corner covering Donvante Parker used his forearm to shove Parker in the back. Why no pass interference. This is the NFL not the NBA. No contact after five yards