No, ENFORCE the holding call rule!!! If there is actual, definitive holding, offence/defense, CALL IT! ‘Heck’ the game is long enough with ALL the advertising breaks!!!!! So, if more flags are thrown for this infraction, so what and so be it!!! Don’t ‘cow-tow’ to what Brady said about this!
Shawn Sproul –
Your penalty calling is terrible. Getting tired of it. Making NFL football almost unwatchable.
Belinda Meyer –
You all should be accountable for your bad calls it is sickening to watch these refers do what they do. Who dat fan.
Brian Johnson –
Can you really call a game without making a colossal error ? You have a part time job making wayyyyy more than the normal Americans who are paying for this sport and you truly suck at your jobs. Go back into the real world and see how long you would hold a “normal” job with your performance. It’s really pitiful that a major corporation like the nfl employs you clowns