Really need to do something about the way refs make or not make calls in games. Today I witnessed a massacre in New England. Had there been competent refs call the game the Patriots would’ve won the game. When looking at tapes of today’s game I think the crew that called the game should be let go. I know when people in most jobs that do not do their job well enough the get fired and for them to be paid as much as they are I think that crew should be fired. It was in the top 5 worst officiating I’ve ever witnessed. There is a problem with call every week you have people watching the game in New York let them overrule the bad calls or get rid of them and instant replay. Apologies don’t do anybody any good fix the problem it’s not that hard to do. If you can’t figure out how to fix it email me I have plenty of solutions which the league the owners players and more importantly the fans will welcome. It’s time for change. Please consider my offer.
Thank you
John McCarthy
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