So I need you guys as a whole to go watch every single Browns game and STUDY IT. I am a Titans fan through and through and a Browns fan buddy of mine directed me to go re-watch and I’m thinking “oh it will just be bunch of regular no calls that happen to every team. BUT WOW. YOU GUYS are literally screwing them over left and right but the main focus here is Myles Garrett. He gets held on literally every other play he is even in… Right in the refs face…so either you guys are taking money, or just refusing to throw the flags. They are absolutely blatant. Do you guys not take pride in your jobs? Them he directed me to the Chargers game. You guys single handedly lost them the game on giving wrong calls. You need to make this right and start giving them their calls. Some of them like hey if you made the no call them whatever, but on some of them not only was it a no call, BUT YOU GAVE THE OPPOSING TEAMS A FLAG INSTEAD. Instead of ingoring my message or giving me some auto response filled with bull. After you watch the browns games over reevaluate yourselves and take a deep delve inside of what’s really going on, and form a unbiased, honest response. It’s sad a Titans fan has to come on here and preach for that team. I’m not even here to mention all the pass interference they get and you don’t call it. If you take any pride in what you do whatsoever. Then fill my request. And start doing what is right. For some people, football is everything…..go back and watch, and you will see. Thank you for your time.
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